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Campus Infrastructure

Welcome to Fellowship Mission School

Built on a 8 acre plot of land, the school has a unique architectural design and lush green playground. This is a wonderful edifice resting on the foundations of goodwill, a happy home, a sacred shrine, a radiating center binding science and spirituality in to a synthetic structure, emphasizing on the overall growth -intellectual, moral, spiritual, aesthetic, emotional, physical and social development of its student.

With its motto, STUDY TO PROVE THYSELF APPROVED, the school strives towards excellence in academics and co-curricular spheres of education, grooming young minds to discover their potential and contribute to the society as responsible citizens. In other words the aim of the institution is to make its pupils cultured and useful members of society. When they enter the world they should be able to take an active interest in the betterment of their homes and community & when they grow up, they should be able to fit themselves usefully into the world tomorrow.

Philosophy of education at Fellowship Mission School

The school is dedicated to provide challenging environment which is child centered, well balanced and aims to develop the whole child. Our school is a center of inquiry, creativity and joyful leaming with students coming together to learn to dream and to grow.

in the class room, the teacher functions more in a guiding and supportive role than in the role of dissemination of information Students learn interpersonal skills and importance of the community They are valued and accepted and in return learn the value and respect others.

Positive feedback and encouragement are essential components of our school assessment. A theme based curriculum, integrating concepts skills and talents enable students to pursue in depth, a meaningful learning

  • Total Campus Area of the School ( In Square Mtr)
    15600 Sq.Mtr
  • No. And Size of the Class Rooms (In Square Mtr.)
    15, 49 Sq.Mtr
  • No. And Size of Laboratories including Computer labs (In Square Mtr.)
    3, 49 Sq.Mtr
  • Internet Facility (Y/N)
  • No. Of Girls Toilets
  • No. Of BoysToilets