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Guidelines To Parents
  • The school at all times desires to have your cooperation and close contact with the teacher of your ward in order to create an atmosphere that shall be conducive for the better education of our students. The school diary fulfills this need.
  • Your wards should report to school in time, bring all the necessary books according to the timetable and beneatly dressed in full uniform.
  • Your prompt attention to the teachers note is very essential for a joint effort to look after the education of your ward. Read the remarks in the diary and duly respond. In case you wish to see the teacher in connection with the progress of your ward, you are requested to contact the school office and fix an appointment before you come to school. Our school will give you necessary information from time to time.
  • Collect the report cards personally on the day of the declaration of results. It will not be delivered to the students or through the students. Any discrepancy of marks in the report card should be brought to the notice of the Principal.
  • Ensure that no teacher is approached when. he/she is in the class. In case of any need, prior appointment may be sought through the school diary.
  • Parents must attend parent teachers meeting when called upon, to know the progress of their ward.
  • In case of any change in your address and contact number notify the school office and the class teacher.
  • Your wants should not carry any expensive articles to school in case they are lost the school wit not be responsible for the loss.
  • Mark all the belongings of your wards including the undom bigs, shoes and pullover Betain sath as name, class and section.
  • Students are not permitted to leave the school premises during the school hours unless it is an emergency for which the Principal's office should be contacted.
  • Immorality grave insubordinate action contempt of authority or willful damage to property are also reasons for dismissal.
  • Inculcate in the minds of your wards, the habit of respecting teachers, school and the school uniform. They must also learn to give due respect and regard to elders at home and outside.
  • Parents are not allowed to interfere with the school administration in any way In case of any problem, they can discuss the same with the Principal.
  • Management shall have the power to modify, amend or add rules as the need arises.
  • Visitors are not allowed to go in to the classrooms to talk to teachers or students in case of any problem, they can discuss the same with the Principal.
  • You can meet the Principal in her office on all working days from 9.30 am to 12.30pm.
  • We expect you to scrupulously follow the above points for the bright future of your ward.